K & I (ok more me) have been researching prams for a number of months. I’ve read reviews, forums and spoken to other mums regarding what to look for when purchasing a pram. I came to the conclusion that I need a pram that is lightweight, simple to use, easy maneuverability and one that isn’t taller than me! I was recommended the Bugaboo brand and went to the shop to investigate. It had everything I wanted BUT the price…OMG! So we’ve been trying to save and had the intention to purchase just before bub was born – saving didn’t quite go to plan – and we considered purchasing a pram which was more affordable.
BUT from generous family and friends, they surprised me with a Bugaboo Cameleon pram for my baby shower! How blessed am I to have such great family and friends. Here it is, my new toy…just need the baby now!
Don't forget to enter my giveaway here!